~ ~ where some see a hopeless end, others see an endless hope ~ ~

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Content with the Constant

Our staff talked today about how we, in the past 2 months, have changed more than ever before.  We’ve grown, we’ve stretched, we’ve cut back, we’ve extended… Change that we saw coming and change that took us off our rocker.  Change we were hoping for and change we fought through.

And as a person who ‘goes with the flow’, finds the excitement out of all things new… I realized today how much change really does for a person.  And I appreciate it.  I appreciate the change we as a staff have been through…but most importantly that I, as an individual, have been through.

This season, with all the change, there are times when I can just sit back and be thankful.  Be grateful for the change…. but be amazingly, peacefully content with the constants.

My Constants

a family who loves me.  a family who supports me.  a family who, even though doesn't agree with everything I decide, will encourage me, fight for me, and lay down their life for me until I see it through their eyes… knowing all along, they were right  

birthdays to celebrate those mothers who are a part of those families

new mornings.  which bring new mercies.  which lead to 
new opportunities

autumn skies that paint the world a rich, crisp blue and a pallet of trees, reaching to their arms length to just get a feel of it, warming themselves in the high sun

finding joy in running again

waking up to messages from friends in worlds away, constant reminders I’m not in this alone

cozy beds and warm blankets that steal your motivation each morning


homemade quiche brought to work

singing birds who wait until we start morning prayer, and bring up the chorus and chime in once we begin


memories that remind you of a life well lived and pictures to capture the moments

pumpkin spice coffee…and well.. everything pumpkin

happy people  

little things that happy people get excited about

playful kiddos full of joy, untainted & unintimidated by the world around them, ready to eat them up

words.  words when you need them and words when you don’t think you did

friends who like you enough to let you be a part of their life and friends who love you enough to be a part of yours

“no” people

prayer warriors.  warriors that take up your battle because you’re too tired to fight

loud, boisterous, spontaneous random laughter down the hall

people who say what they think and mean what they say

conversations to explain who we are and sparks that light because of it


pandora.  because when your brain doesn’t want to think on its own, it does it for you:  playing everything at the exact moment you need to hear it


advice givers

grace.  constant, unending, forgiving and renewing grace


a place I get to come to, Monday through Friday and ‘get away’.  A place that most call work, I call sanctuary




a church that responds

conversation that leads to questions.  questions that lead to reflection.  reflection that leads to action and action that leads to


It’s Fall.  A time of change.  
and while it seems like everything in my life is changing this season and I can appreciate it …
 I’m also thankful for the constant, the things that REMAIN

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